Sunday, December 27, 2009


On Thursday of last week I was at work. While I was working (reading, don't judge me. It was Christmas Eve.) I over heard one of my coworkers freaking out because of something her mother told her daughter. Apparently when her daughter was asked what she wanted from Santa, she said an American Girl doll. Well I guess they are hard to come by and you can't just go and get one without hopping in a car and driving to New York City. So the little girl's grand mother did what any grand mother would do and told her that Santa couldn't bring her the doll because he was dead.

I thought that it was hysterical. My co worker not so much. The girl is ten years old and still believes that Santa brings her presents every December 25. Her mother is a liar. She has been lying to her daughter for 10 years. The grand mother finally told her the truth. The guy had been dead for a thousand years.

I know that a lot of Christians tell their kids that Santa brings them their gifts every December 25. Well guess what. You are a liar too. Lets see what the bible has to say about this behavior.

Exodus 20:16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

In plain English. Do not lie.

Ephesians 6:1-4
1.Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
2.Honor your Father and Mother(which is the first commandment with a promise),
3.That it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth.
4.And, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Now see how those verses look from the Santa bible.

1.So this tells my children to obey me. (It's okay to lie for years on end.)
2.-3.My children are to honor me and they will long on the earth. (Even if you question how Santa can do all that in one night you must believe me or you will die young.)
4.I should not provoke my kids to anger.(I am going to make them hate me for lying to them for so long and they are going to think that the instruction of the Lord is to lie to your kids because right after they opened their presents from Santa they heard the Christmas story.)

Please stop feeding your kids the Santa mumbo jumbo. In stead tell them how much you love them. Tell them why we celebrate Christmas. Tell them the true story behind Santa Clause. Saint Nicholas was a truly kind man. He cared for the poor and anonymously gave to those less fortunate.

Stop lying to your children. You are breaking a commandment and are only facilitating the breaking of their heart. Love your children more than that.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thank you

I just read an article on ESPN. I'll paste the link in here at some point so anyone that reads this post can read it. By reading this sentence you have entered into a contract to read the article.

The article is about a national guardsman from North Carolina who emailed an ESPN personality to say thank you. He said thank you to a guy who writes a fishing column! This guy is in Afghanistan or Iraq risking his life for his second tour and he is thanking a guy who writes a fishing column!?!

Read the article. I teared up a bit. I have no idea why but I think I am getting old.

The thank you from this young man shows how every thing we do here at home affects those fighting for our freedom over seas. Don't think that they don't see some hippie demonstrating against them. Don't think they don't notice that people have stopped shaking their hands when they get home.

On Veteran's Day this year my employer (CIGNA Healthcare) did nothing to honor the veterans. I have sent a million emails trying to find out why. I guess the people who make those decisions were to busy counting their millions or deciding how we were going to help out the gay and lesbian coalition or whatever they call themselves now.

The service men and women notice these things. They've asked me about it. If you know a service man or woman please look them in the eye and shake their hand. It will mean more to them than you will ever know.

On Veteran's Day this year I called my Dad and just talked to him. He asked why I was calling. I said "It's Veteran's Day." There was a silence and we went about our conversation. At the end of the call he stopped me before we disconnected and he just said, "Thank You". Nothing more, nothing less. We both understood.

Again, a serviceman saying thank you to someone who owes them all the gratitude in the world.

Crazy, isn't it?

Here's that link for the article(I almost forgot)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

That Woman

For years now I have heard of the Proverbs something or other woman. My wife quotes her virtues almost daily. Her mother and her talk as though it is something they are aspiring to.

I must confess that I never read the passage. Well, I just did. As far as I can tell both my wife and her mother don't have much , if any, aspiring left to do.

My wife keeps my house immaculate. She takes care of our three children while growing another one in her belly(I know I should say womb here but who says that word? Certainly no man I know.) I can't thank her enough for all the wonderful things she does for this family. There are nights I pass out on the couch while she is still working about her chores.

I have wanted to post something for a little while singing the praises of my wife. I don't know what I would do without her.

For a long time she has sat quietly praying and listening to preachers while I ignored a lot of what God wanted me to do. Without her being faithful I would not be writing this blog or living my life in the will of God.

I read something in a book my in-laws gave us. It is written by Voddie Baucham. It is 1 Peter 3:1-2. My wife must have known this verse for quite some time.

In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives, as they observe your chaste and respectful behavior.

I cannot thank my wife enough for the behavior she has shown these years. Without her I would not be able to lead my family in the will of the Lord.

In 1 Peter 3:7 it tells me to honor my wife. My prayer is that I can honor her to extent that she deserves.

Friday, December 11, 2009

My Birthday

Well, it's my birthday today. 29 years old.

"We celebrate our birthday as though we created ourselves." Alistair Begg

I thought that was hilarious. Today I am not going to celebrate as though I created myself. I asked for pulled pork for dinner and I believe that is what I am getting. I feel as though me eating pork is a celebration of Jesus Christ. Before Christ the Jewish people couldn't eat pork.

So today, in celebration of the price Christ paid for the world's sins, I am eating pork!!

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